Saturday, October 23, 2010


I decided to keep fit!!
I've already sign up a gym membership...
Is time for me to diet...
I want to wear beautiful dress..
I want to have a healthy body so that my children will be healthy...


My sis said I won't stand for long...
I must prove to her that this time I'll insist my will...
I must control myself from my own strong desire...

By next year chinese new year I might wear different outfit from b4...
MiMi, Fighting!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

"When You Say Nothing At All"
Ronan Keating

Used to listen this song while looking at the stars...
Listening to this song with a ocean waves as the background sound...
The feeling is so warm and relax...
Everything felt simple....
This is what I feel when I was in Cherating...

Today, listening to this song while waiting my mom in the bus stop at KL...
Looking at the traffic jam with a lots of hon as the background sound...
The feeling is so complicated and tired...
Everything felt very hard...
This is what I feel when I was in KL...

Suddenly miss the life in Cherating...
Although is quite tough at the beginning..
But I love the sea there...
I miss the free and relax life there...
Everyday just need to focus on training only...
Almost forgot that I have been there...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ღPangkor Trip ღ

The 1st trip after graduate diploma...
We went to Pangkor Island...
I waited them at the bus station in Bukit Jalil around 8.15 am...
Around 8.40 am,
Wen, Wah, Sheng min and Howie reached and we off we go to Pangkor with our 9am bus...
We reach Lumut around 2pm..
We had our lunch in KFC at Lumut...
After lunch, we take some photos due to the weather is soooo nice^^
After our photo session,
Sheng min helped us buy the ferry tickets to Pangkor Island..
Never been ride a boat since I was very small..
Feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning... But overall still ok la..
After 30 mins journey in ferry,
Finally we reach Pangkor...
The 1st impression is..
"OMG, this place is a village???"
The roads all is very narrow..
Almost can fit for motorcycle only...
Very rare to see a 4 wheel transport there accept for the taxi la..
We get a taxi to took us to Pasir Bogak...
To find a place to stay..
After tired survey all Resorts..
Finally we decided to stay in a Resort call "Sandy Beach Resort"...
**Must write here.. Is a VERY DAMN BAD SERVICE resort**
The manager is so rude to us and the services and facilities is so unprofessional!!
This Resort nearly ruined our nice trip!!!
Anyway, besides that the hotels room still ok la...
Just beh tahan the manager...
We check in around 4.30pm and we ask the resort to arrange a taxi for us to have a trip around Pangkor Island...
The taxi reach around 5pm and took us a 2 hour trip...
We went to 4 places..
I'm not so familiar with the names la..
But can see through pictures^^
After the trip,
We reach our resort around 7pm..
We went to beach to took some pictures..
And then me, Wen and Howie go swimming in pool....
While Wah and Sheng min bath in hotels room...
After we took turn bath,
Wah n Sheng min took us to a seafood restaurant to have dinner...
We meet Sheng min's frens there...
2 butler from PLR...
After dinner, we went to beach again to have a chat there...
I finally saw ‘蓝眼泪’ there...
Although not so obviously..
But really beautiful...
Saw a lot of couple at the beach there..
Saw a live show tim!! Wakaka...
Around 11pm, we went back to our hotels room...
Play some card games with Bryant and Ryan(Sheng Min's frens)...
Finally, around 1am we all sleep...
That night had a very heavy rain...
Anyway, our television off on 7.30 am due to 'some of us' said dun close the TV 1st coz too dark...
Haha... The manager sure gek dou sei if he noe we use he so much electricity...

I was the 1st who woke up on 8am in the morning...
After we all bath,
We went for our breakfast buffet..
Which are so not delicious..
Chang come n meet us and we had breakfast together...
After that, we went to beach again..
Took some photos again...
And then Wah suggest us to go for the last trip since the time is still early
Which is walk to Jambatan Gangtung..
We walk quite far into the jungle to reach there..
finally we give up due to the place is too dangerous and horror...
We went back to hotel rooms and realize me n wah kena bite by pacat in our leg...
Wah had 2 bandages in this 2 days trip...
Poor wawah~~
After clear everything,
we check out at 11.30 am and apart with Chang...
We sit ferry back to Lumut on 12.30pm and get into our bus to KL at 2pm...
Finally I reach home at 7pm...

After reach home oso no chance to rest,
My family drag me to have dinner outside...
Finally I have a sweet dream at 11.30 pm...

Luckily on Monday no need to work if not sure tired till die~~~
Really have fun in this trip...
Hope to have another trip again^^

Monday, October 4, 2010


单身并没有什么不好,你一样可以关心你喜欢的人,这样可以让大众觉得你是一个很好的朋友;而恋爱中的人,关心别人则会引发醋意,从爱情观说也是对爱情不够 忠诚,但不关心别人则又失去很多友谊,一旦你分手了,就赔了夫人又折兵。所以现在单身,不是说你不向往爱情,而是证明你对未来的他的一份痴情。
我们不需要靠失恋来成熟,我们应该利用别人失恋的经验成长起来。 一个优秀的人单身说明这人足够优秀,一个再优秀的人随意恋爱说明这人的优秀只是表面而已,真正希望对方好的,就是默默在背后关心对方。最好的承诺,不是爱你一万年,而是根本不需要承诺。
恋人不是靠寻找的,因为在没有完全了解对方之前,对方可以为了吸引你暂时改变自己,而一旦你完全了解对方后,分手就指日可待了。所以恋爱应该是日久生 情,彼此非常熟知后自然地走在一起,甚至无需表白。不要认为对方人很好就轻易妥协,人好不是爱情的全部,你们必须为爱情的将来做打算。
如果遇到一个你深爱的女孩,而你感觉她也喜欢你,大部分的人都是直接就开始交往了。这样做的后果就是前面所说的,最后失去一个深爱的人。你应该以朋友 的名义关心她,在毕业后仍保持联系,然后为了她努力工作。当你在事业上有所成就后再去找她,如果此时她仍在等你,说明你没看错人。
女孩,如果一个男生他很快就喜欢上妳,那么他以后也会很快就喜欢上别人的。 在学校里的爱情是无知的,在社会中的爱情可能是有目的的,只有遇到逆境仍走下去的爱情才是永恒的。
男生,在谈恋爱时不要抱着不适合就分手的想法,一定要慎重地考虑清楚,女朋友就是你未来的老婆,结婚只不过是多一张无用的纸而已,结婚并不是为爱情加 了锁,真正的爱情从来就不需要任何的束缚。一旦你选择了恋爱,就要有一种责任感,你要为你父母的儿子、你老婆的丈夫、你未来孩子的爸爸负责!




难过了,不要告诉别人,别人永远都不可能明白在你的立场上的感受难过了,静静的蹲下来抱着自己,让眼泪尽情的洒落难过了,拿着镜子 看看此刻的自己,让真实浮现眼前难过了,默默的将自己隐藏起来,让空虚掩盖一切难过了,闭眼倾听周围的声音,让自己沉浸在喧嚣中难过了,不必告诉别人,自 己的悲伤为何要别人也承担呢难过了,可以假装快乐,和别人一起兴奋时就能遗忘了自己难过了,仍然安慰别的伤心者,你会发现自己也在受益,当局者迷而已 ,难过了,听音乐,就让音乐把它带走有谁不曾难过,有谁还会记得过去的不再从来 又何必去苦想 忘掉… 用微笑渲泄悲伤...

